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GPT AI Power: Complete AI Pack

AI Description (via Bard/ChatGPT):

A comprehensive AI solution for WordPress. Generate content, images, and forms with GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and DaVinci. Includes AI training, chat widget, WooCommerce integration, and more.

Additional, human-curated information:

A bundle of functionality is included in this AI plugin to allow for several types of content and media generation. Here are some (not all) of the features:

  • Content Writer
  • Image Generator (DALL-E and Stable Diffusion)
  • ChatGPT – Fully customizable chat widget and chat bot with Chat logs and long term external memory.
  • WooCommerce Product Writer
  • AI Assistant (Integrated with Gutenberg and Classic Editor)
  • Title suggestion tool for posts, pages and products.
  • Pexels integration
  • Speech-to-Post (Whisper)
  • Text-to-Speech (ElevenLabs)
  • Text-to-Speech (Google)
  • 40 langauge support